How to Measure

If requiring a professional measure, please schedule an in home consultation with one of our design consultants or a professional installer measure by calling us.   If you feel confident in your measuring abilities, please use the measure at home form below and bring it in or email us.

Customer Self-Measure Guide For Drapery and Hardware

1.  Fill in the blanks for A, B, C, D, E

A: Top of Window to Ceiling or Bottom of Crown Molding
B: Top of Window to Floor
C: Window Width (Outside Molding to Outside Molding)
D: Measurement to the Right of the Window
E: Measurement to the Left of the Window

Calculate Drapery Length:

1. Measure A
2. + Measure B
4. + Puddle or Break Amount
OR Skim or off floor amount
5. - Subtract for Hardware
For 1" - 1 1/2" hardware deduct 4"
For 2" - 2 1/2" hardware deduct 6"


= Total Drapery Length

Calculate Rod Length:

6. Measure C
7. + 12” for Stack-back (6” on each side)


= Total Rod Length

Click here to download the Self-Measurement Guide (pdf).